Tag: Self Empowerment

Sacrifice of self to the self.

When I speak of this, I am not referring to Odin’s time on Yggdrasil to learn the runes.  I am finding the most rewarding path of self empowerment is through this method.  It takes lots of self discipline, and for myself it is hard won.  I am speaking of giving up our comforts and our luxuries to pursue goals of self improvement.  Giving up television or time with friends to study.  Overcoming that desire to curl up on the couch, and going to the gym or a class instead.  Putting down your video games or movie nights to Hike or Kayak and immerse yourself in the natural world around you.  Saving money by not going out to eat and instead staying home and eating simple healthy meals.   All these things are sacrifices that we make, and if we honor them, we will become better, and find we craved those luxuries less and less as we fill ourselves with knowledge, grow closer to the wights of land and water, purify and empower our bodies and invest our growing Might and Main into acts both tremendous and small to help our tribe and community.

For many, like myself, the sacrifices I am trying to make are so I can improve myself,  For others, they sacrifice to improve their communities and families.  What do you sacrifice to yourself for?